I’m an unvaccinated Realtor. When showing properties to clients, I follow all Nevada state requirements. Additionally, some sellers ask that people viewing their property have extra protection such as gloves, foot protection, etc. If a seller expresses these wishes, I and prospective buyers, abide by them. Please note, I don’t plan on becoming vaccinated. My logic is simple, having reviewed a lot of raw data from the CDC and under my limited view of statistical analyses, it doesn’t make sense for my personal health.
I understand if you as a buyer/seller feel more comfortable with a vaccinated Realtor. Feel free to contact me for other agents happy to assist you.

For a better understanding of my choice to remain unvaccinated, feel free to watch Dr. Peter McCullough’s presentation at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
“Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs Untested Novel Therapies.” Peter McCullough, MD, MPH. 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021.
You choose peace or war?
A bit of an odd question to the post but I’ll assume you are talking about the Ukraine war. Anyone with any sense chooses peace. As for my stance on the war, I think the west should give in to Putin’s demand for withdrawal. He wants Ukraine to be neutral never a part of NATO, and give Russia control over the annexed Crimean Peninsula with it being formally recognized. IF those are truly his demands, it seems reasonable to me.
How is the COVID situation over there?
It’s not too bad. Mostly the very sick or elderly that seem to have problems with survival. I know one person that ended up in the hospital for three weeks. He was very sick he was unvaccinated. I also know an elderly man that had the 1st vaccine shot and became very ill right after the shot. He died two months later. I feel it should be left up to the individual, not the government. Here in Nevada, our governor was being very aggressive trying to force the vaccine and masks. He finally stopped about two months ago trying to force the vaccine mandate. It’s been around 3 weeks since the mask mandate was lifted.